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Tools and Supplies to Bind Carpet With a Carpet Binding Strip
1 Carpet Binding Strip
2 Carpet Binding Tape
3 Carpet Binding Machine
4 Scissors
5 Measuring Tape
6 Straight Pins
7 Needle
8 Thread
9 Staple Gun
10 Utility Knife

How to Bind Carpet With a Carpet Binding Strip

Learn How to Bind Carpet Like a Pro with a Carpet Binding Strip

Carpet binding is the process of finishing the edges of a carpet to prevent fraying and unraveling. One way to bind carpet is by using a carpet binding strip. Here are the steps to follow when binding carpet with a carpet binding strip:

Step 1: Measure the Carpet
Measure the length and width of the carpet to determine the size of the binding strip needed. Add a few inches to the measurement to allow for any mistakes or adjustments.

Step 2: Cut the Binding Strip
Using a sharp pair of scissors or a utility knife, cut the binding strip to the desired length. Make sure the edges are straight and even.

Step 3: Prepare the Carpet
Clean and dry the edges of the carpet. Trim any loose fibers or uneven edges to create a smooth surface.

Step 4: Apply the Binding Strip
Lay the binding strip on a flat surface with the adhesive side facing up. Position the edge of the carpet onto the adhesive, making sure it is centered and straight. Press down firmly to secure the carpet to the binding strip.

Step 5: Fold the Binding Strip
Fold the binding strip over the edge of the carpet, making sure it is snug and tight. Use a carpet binding machine or a heavy-duty stapler to staple the binding strip onto the back of the carpet.

Step 6: Finish the Binding
Trim any excess binding strip with scissors or a utility knife. Apply a seam sealer to the edges of the carpet to prevent fraying and unraveling.

Step 7: Clean Up
Clean up any scraps or debris from the binding process. Vacuum the carpet to remove any loose fibers or dust.

By following these steps, you can successfully bind a carpet with a carpet binding strip. This process will not only prevent fraying and unraveling, but it will also give your carpet a professional and finished look.